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Juno Health Certifications

2024-Drummond-ONC-Health-IT-Certified Seal

Juno Patient Portal v23

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Certified Date: 05/23/2024

Product: Juno Patient Portal v23

Certificate No:

Criteria Tested: 170.315 (b)(10); (d)(1-7, 9, 12-13); (e)(1, 3); (g)(2, 4-7, 9)

Clinical Quality Measures Tested: None

Additional Software Used: InteliChart

Cost Disclosures: DSS, Inc. charges an annual and ongoing monthly obligation for Juno EHR software license fee, typically determined by the size of the institution or the number of users and charges an annual maintenance cost which includes support and regular software upgrades.

In addition to these, DSS, Inc. may also charge for:

  • Implementation fees – determined by the size/scope of the project.
  • Interface fees – determined by the number of interfaces.

Additional fees that the client may need to purchase/license separately could include:

  • 3rd party license fees needed to support the client’s ancillary applications.


CHPL: Juno Patient Portal

Juno EHR Certification v24

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Certified Date: 08/09/2024

Product: Juno EHR v24

Certificate No:

Criteria Tested: 170.315 (a)(1-5, 12, 14-15); (b)(1-2, 10, 11); (c)(1-3); (d)(1-9, 12-13); (f)(2); (g)(3-6, 10); (h)(1)

Clinical Quality Measures Tested: 9v11, 71v12, 72v11, 104v11, 105v11, 108v11, 111v11, 190v11, 334v4, 506v5, 816v2, 871v2, 1028v1 

Additional Software Used: Juno ConnectEHR®, Juno CQMsolution®, SureScripts Clinical Direct Messaging

Cost Disclosures: DSS, Inc. charges an annual and ongoing monthly obligation for Juno EHR software license fee, typically determined by the size of the institution or the number of users and charges an annual maintenance cost which includes support and regular software upgrades.

In addition to these, DSS, Inc. may also charge for:

  • Implementation fees – determined by the size/scope of the project
  • Interface fees – determined by the number of interfaces

Additional fees that the client may need to purchase/license separately could include:

  • 3rd party license fees needed to support the client’s ancillary applications.


Juno EHR Certification v23

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Certified Date: 06/20/2023

Product: Juno EHR v23

Certificate No:

Criteria Tested: 170.315 (a)(1-5, 9, 12, 14-15); (b)(1-2, 10); (c)(1-3); (d)(1-8, 9, 12-13); (f)(2); (g)(3-6, 10); (h)(1)

Clinical Quality Measures Tested: 9v11, 71v12, 72v11, 104v11, 105v11, 108v11, 111v11, 190v11, 334v4, 506v5, 816v2, 871v2, 1028v1 

Additional Software Used: Juno ConnectEHR®, SureScripts Clinical Direct Messaging, Juno CQMsolution®

Cost Disclosures: DSS, Inc. charges an annual and ongoing monthly obligation for Juno EHR software license fee, typically determined by the size of the institution or the number of users and charges an annual maintenance cost which includes support and regular software upgrades.

In addition to these, DSS, Inc. may also charge for:

  • Implementation fees – determined by the size/scope of the project
  • Interface fees – determined by the number of interfaces

Additional fees that the client may need to purchase/license separately could include:

  • 3rd party license fees needed to support the client’s ancillary applications.




Juno ConnectEHR® 22

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Certified Date: 04/27/23

Product: Juno ConnectEHR® 22

Certificate No:

Criteria Tested: 170.315 (b)(1, 7-8, 10); (d)(1-9, 12-13); (f)(1-2); (g)(2, 4-7, 9-10)

Clinical Quality Measures Tested: None.

Additional software used: None.

Cost Disclosures: May require ongoing monthly and annual costs for contractual obligations. If vendor hosting is not provided, additional fees may apply for cost for Microsoft SQL Server (2012 or later) license.



CHPL: Juno ConnectEHR®

CQMsolution® and ConnectEHR® are the registered trademarks of Dynamic Health IT (DHIT) and is used with the permission of DHIT. The use of these trademarks does not constitute a product endorsement by DHIT.

Juno CQMsolution® 22

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Certified Date: 08/17/22

Product: Juno CQMsolution® 22

Certificate No:

Criteria Tested: 170.315 (b)(10); (c)(1-4); (d)(1-3, 5, 12-13); (g)(4-5)

Clinical Quality Measures Tested: 2v10, 9v9, 22v9, 50v9, 56v9, 66v9, 68v10, 69v9, 71v10, 72v9, 74v10, 75v9, 90v10, 104v9, 105v9, 108v9, 111v9, 117v9, 122v9, 124v9, 125v9, 127v9, 128v9, 129v10, 130v9, 131v9, 133v9, 134v9, 135v9, 136v10, 137v9, 138v9, 139v9, 142v9, 143v9, 144v9, 145v9, 146v9, 147v10, 149v9, 153v9, 154v9, 155v9, 156v9, 157v9, 159v9, 161v9, 165v9, 177v9, 190v9, 249v3, 347v4, 349v3, 506v3, 529v1, 645v4, 771v2.

Additional software used: None

Cost Disclosures: May require ongoing monthly and annual costs per contractual obligations.



CHPL: Juno CQMsolution®

CQMsolution® and ConnectEHR® are the registered trademarks of Dynamic Health IT (DHIT) and is used with the permission of DHIT. The use of these trademarks does not constitute a product endorsement by DHIT.

Juno Emergency Services Solution (JESS) Certification

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Certified Date: 03/04/2022

Product: Juno Emergency Services Solution v3.2

Certification No:

Criteria Tested: 170.315 (a)(1-5, 12, 14); (b)(1-2, 10, 11); (c)(1-3); (d)(1-8, 9, 12-13); (f)(2-3); (g)(2-6, 10)

Clinical Quality Measures Tested: 68v8, 69v7, 127v7, 138v7, 146v7, 147v8, 349v1

Additional Software Used: CQMSolution® (Dynamic Health IT), NLM API, ConnectEHR®+BulkEHR FHIR4-B

Costs Disclosures: DSS, Inc. charges an annual or other periodic frequency, JESS software license fee typically determined by the size of the institution or the number of users along with charges an annual maintenance cost which includes support and regular software upgrades.

In addition to these, DSS, Inc. may also charge for:

  • Implementation fees – determined by the size/scope of the project
  • Interface fees – determined by the number and types of interfaces

Additional fees that the client may need to purchase/license separately could include:

  • Additional hardware if needed by the client in order to host the application on-premises
  • 3rd party interfaces needed by the client’s EHR to exchange data with JESS


CHPL: Juno Emergency Services Solution

RxTracker Certification

This Health IT Module is compliant with the ONC Certification Criteria for Health IT and has been certified by an ONC-ACB in accordance with the applicable certification criteria adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Certified Date: 03/30/2020

Product: Juno RxTracker v9

Certificate No:

Criteria Tested: 170.315 (b)(3, 10); (d)(1-8, 12-13); (g)(3-5)

Clinical Quality Measures Tested: None

Additional software used: Surescripts ePrescribing

Costs Disclosures: DSS, Inc. charges an annual or other periodic frequency, RxTracker software license fee typically determined by the size of the institution or the number of users along with charges an annual maintenance cost which includes support and regular software upgrades. Additional annual subscription fees for each Authorized Users will apply for identity proofing requirements.

In addition to these, DSS, Inc. may also charge for:

  • Implementation fees – determined by the size/scope of the project
  • Interface fees – determined by the number and types of interfaces

Additional fees that the client may need to purchase/license separately could include:

  • Additional hardware if needed by the client in order to host the application on-premises
  • 3rd party interfaces needed by the client’s EHR to exchange data with RxTracker


CHPL: RxTracker